Hello, and thanks for dropping by!!
Since the launch of my website in April,
I have endeavoured to become a bit more
'blog-friendly'.... which considering I didn't even know what a blog was, I hope I haven't done too badly?!?!
I never run out of things I want to share with you all, but, this website is just as much yours as it is mine; and I would love it to become a more 'focal' point in your lives..... Somewhere you can come to gain information, book classes (obviously we've got that mastered!!), and share your thoughts and experiences and ask your own questions.
You always hear it said that no question is stupid, only stupid if you don't ask it. But sometimes it can feel awkward or embarrassing to ask a question that you may feel you should know but simply don't. I believe there is no way greater way to learn than to keep asking, and learn from others experiences and knowledge; for me personally, i absorb information much better that way than reading loads of books/manuals/internet (although those resources obviously have their place).
SO, if there is anything you would like to know more about, any tips you would like to gain, any discussions you would like to start; then just drop your requests in the comments box below, or you can email me direct; and I will do my best to deliver.
(Please remember my areas of expertise - they definitely don't cover cordon bleu cooking, gardening or DIY..!!!!!!)
However, anything to do with fitness, health and well-being, Reiki, meditation, self care, spiritual development, joint / back issues (you all know I'm not medically qualified but I have gained extensive experience of body conditions over the years), timetable/class suggestions or ideas, and anything else you suggest I'll give it my best shot!!!
I would love to hear from you, and make Mind-Posture-Soul a great informative community.
Sent with light and blessings
Sharon x
'A community is a group of people who share something in common. You can define a community by the shared attributes of the people in it and/or by the strength of the connections among them. You need a bunch of people who are alike in some way, who feel some sense of belonging or interpersonal connection.'
I started my journey with Sharon through Pilates, I then went on to receiving Reiki from Sharon and have never looked back.
I went to my first Reiki treatment with an open mind and my what a journey I have had. From the start to the here & now I have become a changed person for the better.
Without receiving Reiki I wouldn't like to think where I would be today.
I would describe my session as, when I am driving to my appointment the view in front is hazy, when I am driving back it is crystal clear.
Sharon is my Reiki master, my Guru and my GP.
Thank you Sharon with light & blessings.